These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. SimGHOSTS 2022 Event Trailer Watch on } set_featherlight_options(); if( $(window).width() > 460 ){ position: absolute; The National Nurse Educator Summit will feature nursing professionals from across the country who share your passion for education and lifelong learning. font-weight: bold; The organizers did an excellent job and the speakers were very open to share their knowledge and expertise, the topics reflecting the challenges that healthcare professionals faced in these difficult times. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. } $.extend($.featherlight.defaults, { By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. top: -50px; .text-deco-underline-blue::before { The usages of Medical simulation in nursing education is significant for improving practice, patient safety, and inter professional team skills, the equilibrium of simulation to clinical time remains in the hands of the organisations. Health Education. You wont have a better chance to collaborate and learn with some of the brightest minds in nursing education. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. AACN is accredited as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Centers Commission on Accreditation. $(".launch-video-lightbox a").attr('data-featherlight-iframe-allowfullscreen','true'); The focus of the 2023 NLN Nursing Education Research Conference (NERC) is on the future of research in nursing education and forward thinking that informs radical change in the evidence for our pedagogical practices. height: 25%; .dib{ The largest 2023 nursing education conferences AACN Academic Nursing Leadership Conference October 28-30, 2023 Washington, DC Hundreds of academics, researchers, and students attend AACN's annual Academic Nursing Leadership Conference to connect and discuss the newest trends and ideas in nursing education. right: -50px; science forward. } position: absolute; Everyone have a great day. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. function set_featherlight_options(){ And speaking of travel - Miranda currently lives in Bolivia, though she maintains an active Registered Nurse license in the state of Ohio and stays current on the latest healthcare news through her writing. margin: 0; } "":b),this.$content=b.addClass(this.namespace+"-inner"),this},open:function(b){var c=this;if(c.$instance.hide().appendTo(c.root),! And because we know your next question without you asking, well tell you why. background-repeat: no-repeat; "on":"off"](d,i)}};b.prototype={constructor:b,namespace:"featherlight",targetAttr:"data-featherlight",variant:null,resetCss:!1,background:null,openTrigger:"click",closeTrigger:"click",filter:null,root:"body",openSpeed:250,closeSpeed:250,closeOnClick:"background",closeOnEsc:!0,closeIcon:"✕",loading:"",persist:!1,otherClose:null,beforeOpen:a.noop,beforeContent:a.noop,beforeClose:a.noop,afterOpen:a.noop,afterContent:a.noop,afterClose:a.noop,onKeyUp:a.noop,onResize:a.noop,type:null,contentFilters:["jquery","image","html","ajax","iframe","text"],setup:function(b,c){"object"!=typeof b||b instanceof a!=!1||c||(c=b,b=void 0);var d=a.extend(this,c,{target:b}),e=d.resetCss?d.namespace+"-reset":d.namespace,f=a(d.background||['

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